Molten Football Accentec PU F5U5003-K19
Molten Football Accentec PU F5U5003-K19
Molten Football Accentec PU F5U5003-K19
Molten Football Accentec PU F5U5003-K19
Molten Football Accentec PU F5U5003-K19
BHD 42.000


The MOLTEN F5U5003-K19 soccer ball is the official football ball of the EUROPEAN LEAGUE for 2019. The ball is made with the ACENTEC structure. Molten's unique thermal bonding technology makes a smooth, seamless coating that cannot be done by manual sewing. The result is a homogeneous surface and low water absorption, offering exceptional performance that is not affected by weather conditions. The relief of the ball surface reduces turbulence and stabilizes it in the air. This improves ball control and leads to more accurate passes and shots.

MaterialsMaterial - premium PU synthetic leather Plonder - latex
FeaturesConstruction - ACENTEC, thermal bonding Number of panels - 32 pentagons Designed by UEFA Europa League
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